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Your Village Needs You (if you live in Newgate Street) ;)

The MAY FAYRE - a helpers guide

If you are already fully committed or if you’re thinking of helping out, here’s a little bit about why you are / why you should be doing so.

Closer to the time, this page will be updated with specific dates and times. Contact names and numbers, and other useful information. In the meantime, to get involved

  • If you are from the village, message Matt Grey (Tig) or Marcello on the village chat

  • If you are from the school (Ponsbourne St Mary's, message your class rep.

  • Or anyone can e-mail


Because it’d be rude not to.

The May Fayre has been about for decades - there is a trophy in the Crown for a tug-o-war match from the late 60's. It has helped form our community; it has been instrumental in the foundation of the society and institutions we all enjoy; it has funded our children, paid for school trips, laptops, white boards, books and play equipment; it maintains and subsidises the village hall, it part funded the tennis courts; it provides social events, helps those in need and subsidises salvation.

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