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Newgate Street - Outstanding - Ofsted Report - Read Now

We are delighted to confirm that we retained our "Outstanding" Grading at Newgate Street last month, when we were routinely inspected by Ofsted on 24th January 2024. To view this latest report please click on the link below. Read on for the independent inspector's summary of the setting:

  • Throughout their time at this exciting nursery, children remain deeply engaged in a wealth of wonderful learning opportunities. This is because staff work exceptionally hard to create a language rich and ambitious environment based on children's interests and learning needs. Children become deeply absorbed investigating plastic sea creatures in a tank of water. Staff skilfully develop children's vocabulary and knowledge of pollution. They discuss the 'slimy' cleaning fluids and the 'greasy' oil children pour into the tank. Together they explore the negative effects they have on the creatures and their habitat.

  • Children delight at completing tasks independently. They rush to clear away activities when they hear their tidy up song. Toddlers use cutlery with confidence, pour drinks, and clear their plates away after meals and snacks. Children demonstrate these exceptional skills because staff work tirelessly to ensure routines are firmly embedded into the day.

  • Leaders and staff work hard to establish a highly effective key person system. This enables children to form exceptionally close bonds with staff who demonstrate a deep understanding of their individual needs. As a result, children flourish in their nurturing care. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities benefit from highly experienced and knowledgeable one-to-one support. This enables them to make excellent progress from their starting points.

We are thrilled for the whole team as this Grading is so hard to achieve. Four Apple Daycare settings have been inspected in the past year and we have been graded OUTSTANDING on three occasions and Good on the other. This is the result of the team's unwavering dedication and hard work to their profession.

Please congratulate the team when you see them, they won't get tired of hearing "OUTSTANDING" for quite some time!!

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