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Forthcoming Diary Dates: Newgate Street & Oxlease House.

Parents Evenings

Newgate Street - 7 July 2022

We will be hosting a Parents Evening for parents with children who will be starting Reception & Year 1 in September 2022. Please book a 10 minute slot from 18:00-20:00 where you can meet your child's key worker, have a catch up with Setting Manager / Senior Manager and discuss any other issues or focus points you’d like to with regards to your child's development.

If your child is due to transition from the House to Newgate Street in either September 2022 or January 2023 please contact Sammie ( to book a time slot to visit the setting at Newgate Street and talk about your child's transition. This will give you the opportunity to see the setting and meet some of the Newgate Street team.

Oxlease House - 23 and 24 June 2022

We will be hosting two Parents Evenings for parents with children who will be starting Reception & Year 1 in September 2022. Please book a 10 minute slot from 16:00-18:00, on either day, where you can meet your child's key worker, have a catch up with Setting Manager / Senior Manager and discuss any other issues or focus points you’d like to with regards to your child's development.

Show and Graduation Ceremonies

Newgate Street Show and Graduation Ceremony - 15 July 2022

This will be held from 11:00 - 12:30. The show will mainly focus on our Pre-School leavers, but the younger children will be doing a little dance or song at the start!

Please bring your child in for 08:00 (if they normally start at 09:00 onwards so we can do a practice run!) We ask that all children attend this day if you would like them to be in the show. You are able to swap this session for another day that week or add a morning session (Additional charges apply).

We will be offering the children sandwiches and a fruit and crisp buffet after the show and children attending a morning only session that day are welcome to stay for this or can be taken home straight after the show.

Oxlease House Show and Graduation Ceremony - 8 July 2022

This will be held from 11:00 - 12:30. The show will mainly focus on our Pre-School leavers, but the younger children will be doing a little dance or song at the start!

Please bring your child in for 08:00 (if they normally start at 09:00 onwards so we can do a practice run!) We ask that all children attend this day if you would like them to be in the show. You are able to swap this session for another day that week or add a morning session. (Additional charges apply).

We will be offering the children sandwiches and a fruit and crisp buffet after the show and children attending a morning only session that day are welcome to stay for this or can be taken straight after the show.

School Leavers Parties

Newgate Street - 20 July 10:00 - 11:00 for Newgate Street Children only

Oxlease House - 13 July 10:00 - 11:00 for Oxlease House Children only

If your child does not normally attend on the party date and is leaving for school, please book them in for the hour or morning session. (Additional charges apply).

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