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Research Project: Froebel meets Ofsted: What makes an outstanding nursery?


Apple Daycare have been invited to join this study. The researcher will only look at their Track & Plan and talk to the Practitioners. Please email me if you are happy for your child to take part.

Brief description of research project:

This project aims to better understand the quality ratings attributed to nursery settings by Ofsted.

To do this, we will look at a number of variables that might influence the inspectors’ individual judgements: we will analyse the content of 200 Ofsted reports, talk to 40 nursery managers and access the Foundation Stage Profile of 5 children in each setting.

This research does not involve any direct contact with your child or any other children. However, we ask your permission to access your child’s 2-year progress check, which the nursery manager will release to us. The nursery manager will be asked to remove all personal information, other than gender and developmental scores. We will not have access to your child’s name, ethnicity or any other personal data. These documents will be sent to us digitally, in password protected files, which will be kept in private folders only accessed by the main Investigator.

All data will be securely kept for 10 years in accordance with the University of Roehampton’s regulations, and stored in password protected files at Roehampton University, using this institution’s digital facilities. Confidentiality will be kept at all times in any form of data processing and dissemination. All data will be pseudonymised.

You and your child can withdraw from participating in this study at any point of the research process by contacting the Investigator.

Investigator contact details:

Dr Susana Castro-Kemp

School of Education

Roehampton University

SW155PJ London

+44 (0) 20 8392 3872

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