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How homeopathy can help hay fever without the need for antihistamines

by Carolyn Howgego, BS (Hons), BA (Hons), LCHE

We hope you enjoy Carolyn's latest blog, which is the sixth in a series of articles which offers alternatives to "Modern Medicine".


Lawrence & Sam

The picture on my Lunar Calendar for July is a pair of red poppies alongside the phrase “Keep Growing, Keep Blooming”. Good advice for early summer. But for those who suffer with hay fever, the summer months, heady with the perfume of blooming flowers, can be miserable.

Hay fever often starts around puberty, but it’s becoming more common among younger children.

Homeopathy is really effective for treating the acute symptoms of hay fever - sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, running and swollen eyes, runny and itchy nose.

However, if you’ve had it for many years, and it’s become a chronic problem, it’s best to see a qualified homeopath in the winter months to work on your immune system’s over-reaction to pollen out of season. This will lessen the severity of symptoms when the spring/summer comes around and eventually resolve it completely.

Life changes other than puberty can also bring on hay fever such as pregnancy, or environmental changes such as moving to another country. Acute remedies can help here, but again it’s advisable to see a homeopath who can consider the underlying cause you’ve developed symptoms. You can get in touch with me here for further help.

Self-help for hay fever

· Try some Euphrasia (Eyebright) mother tincture. Pop 10 drops into half a pint of water to bathe the eyes with a cotton pad or use an eye bath. Or try Euphrasia eye drops.

· The Tissue Salt Combination H can be helpful. Give as directed on the tub. But the most indicated homeopathic remedy will probably give more relief.

· Wear sunglasses outside. They not only protect the eyes but can reduce headaches or photosensitivity from direct sunlight that some sufferers experience.

· If your nose becomes sore with constant running or blowing, use a couple of drops of almond oil inside each nostril.

· Vitamin C, as a natural antihistamine, may help. Increase fruits like kiwi, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, kale, peppers and lemon juice. Or feel free to use my discount code at The Natural Dispensary to get 10% off any supplements, CHGGO10.

Top 9 homeopathic remedies for natural help for hay fever

Give the remedy that seems most similar to your child’s symptoms, in a 30c potency and repeat two or three times daily. As symptoms relieve you can reduce the frequency. The remedy stimulates the immune system to react appropriately to pollen. You can buy all these remedies from a homeopathic pharmacy.

1. Euphrasia

The eyes will be the worst symptom if this remedy is needed; there will be a lot of watering from the eyes and your child may say the discharge is burning. The watery eyes will be worse in sunlight and in the wind. The eyes may become red and swollen looking and feel gritty. The eyes will be better if bathed with cool water. The nose may be runny too but won’t feel burning.

2. Allium Cepa

This is the opposite of Euphrasia. It is the nasal discharge that feels burning. The eyes water, quite a lot, but the discharge doesn’t feel burning. They can be a photosensitive and complain of the sun or light hurting their eyes. They are worse in a warm room, better for cool, open air.

3. Sabadilla

Think of Sabadilla when there is lots of loud, spasmodic, sneezing. Your child may also have an itchy mouth, nose or throat. There may be tingling in the nose and alternating blocked nostrils, even sinus pain. They may say they have a very dry mouth but don’t really want to drink. And they will be very sensitive to the smell of flowers. Their symptoms will be much worse for newly cut grass.

4. Pulsatilla

If the discharges are thick or yellowish, from either the nose or eyes, then Pulsatilla may help. The running nose or eyes will be worse outside, but your child will actually feel better outside in open air. Conversely, they will complain of being stuffed up inside. They will feel better with a window open if they are inside. Your child will be miserable and clingy.

5. Nux Vomica

There will be a runny nose during the day but blocked up - often on one side - at night. There is lots of sneezing, quite violently. And they can itch their nose and ears quite aggressively. They will be irritable, angry and impatient with their symptoms and may be sensitive to light.

6. Arsenicum

This is for the child whose skin under their nose and above their lips has become red from the constantly burning nasal discharge and nose-blowing. They may feel really restless or even anxious and often feel worse at night, around midnight. They may want small sips of water. These children may also feel their symptoms in their chest and complain of tightness or coughing, or their breathing might sound wheezy. If symptoms are affecting their breathing, contact your GP as well as your homeopath.

7. Arundo

Here there is a lot of itching of the roof of the mouth, and the eyes and nostrils. Sometimes there is pain at the root of the nose and they can lose their sense of smell.

8. Natrum Muraticum

There is lots of sneezing that can be quite violent. The nasal discharge is thin like egg white. The eyes itch and burn. There will also be sensitivity to sunlight so all their symptoms will be worse from the sun. There can be a loss of smell and even taste, and there may be a desire for salt.

9. Wyethia

Itching of the nose, the throat and roof of mouth. The throat can feel dry and swollen and there is lots of clearing of the throat. They may complain of a prickling sensation in the sinuses.

Lots of remedies here to choose from but remember to try one that matches most closely and if it doesn’t work you can try another.

Next week I’ll be talking about the best remedies for healing bumps and bruises. Anyone with children needs to know these remedies!

If you’re enjoying these blogs why not join me for an introduction to using homeopathy for yourself and your family, ‘Homeopathy at home for healthy children’, on Thursday July 14, 7.30-9pm (£29). This webinar will give you the confidence to begin self-prescribing homeopathy at home. Email me at to register. The webinar will be recorded so you can sign up and watch later.

Carolyn Howgego is a fully qualified homeopath with 15 years of experience of treating babies, children and adults. She owns Carolyn Howgego Homeopathy where she sees clients of all ages, from the UK and internationally, over Zoom. Go here to book a FREE Discovery Call with Carolyn, or a full consultation.

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