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Apple Daycare Update

From Monday 20th December all settings will reopen as usual.

From Monday the House and Oxlease House will reopen as usual from 07:30am.

For those children unable to access care last week, on term time only contracts, we will make up for last weeks closure by offering care this coming week.

If you decide to keep your children at home this week, please let us know so we can plan for this weeks food and activity requirements.

Please let me remind you that Lemsford will be closing for Christmas on Thursday Evening and Friday's are is offered at Oxlease House.

As is usual Christmas Eve's care at all settings on Friday is from 07:30-15:00.

If you or your children have any symptoms of covid or colds etc please access PCR tests before bringing them into nursery. Children need to be without symptoms for at least 48 hours & return a negative PCR test result to return to nursery.

We need to do everything we can to keep the settings open in the run up to Christmas.

Let's hope that the New Year will bring about a reduction in the transmission rates in the community and we have seen the last of this sort of disruption.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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