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Staff Suitability Declaration

Registered persons responsibility to fully ensure all staff are you aware of the circumstances that would contribute to them being barred/disqualified or barred/disqualified by association. This form is to be completed by staff prior to commencing employment (including regular volunteers and students) AND completed by all staff on an annual basis as a minimum. Please see the Web Link at the bottom of the forum for more information

Name of Registered Person: Samantha Baker


Please tick yes or no against each point. If you are unsure about any of the questions please speak to the Registered Person/Manager for clarity to ensure all information recorded is true and accurate.

7 Have you been cautioned, subject to a court order, bound over, received a reprimand or warning or found guilty of committing any offence either before or during your employment at this setting?
8 Have you been barred from working with children? (In the link below your answer)
9 Is anyone living or working at you address barred from working with children? (In the link below your answer)
10 Are you ‘Disqualified from working with children?' [please see section 5.1a Disqualification: childminding and childcare of the Ofsted Compliance, investigation and enforcement handbook.
11 Is anyone living or working at you address ‘Disqualified from working with children?' Please see section 5.1a Disqualification: childminding and childcare of the Ofsted Compliance, investigation and enforcement.
12 Have your own children ever been subject to a care order, child protection order or an exclusion order? Please see page 14 section 5.1a Disqualification: childminding and childcare of the Ofsted Compliance, investigation and enforcement handbook.
13 Have you had Ofsted Registration refused or cancelled or had a prohibition imposed or committed a prescribed offence in relation to registration? Please see page 15 and 16section 5.1a Disqualification:childminding and childcare of the Ofsted Compliance
14 Do you have any medical conditions that could affect your ability to care for children?
15 Are you taking any medication on a regular basis or any other substances (either prescribed or non prescribed?)


I understand my responsibility to safeguard children and am aware that I must notify my employer of anything that may affect my suitability.

I will ensure I notify my employer of any changes to the information declared on this form.

I am aware that if I am taking medication on a regular basis I must notify my employer, and must keep the medication in a safe place, out of reach of children.

I will ensure I notify my employer if I experience any health concerns which could impact upon my ability to work with children.

I give permission for you to contact any previous settings, local authority staff, the police, the DBS, or any medical professionals to share information about my suitability to care for children.


Web Link to: 5.1a Disqualification: childminding and childcare

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